Helios Dermatology Clinic is an integral part of Al Ansari Medical Center Kuwait headed by Dr. Helen Azaryan a well known professional dermatologist.
Dr. Helen has studied in State Engineering University of Armenia and graduated as Engineer-Programmer.
Professional medical higher education she studied in “Haybusak” Medical University of Yerevan, Armenia and in 1998 she qualified as General Doctor.
In 2006 she continued her study in National Health Institute of Armenia after A. Avdalbekyan and qualified as Dermatologist-Venerologist.
In 2007 she has got a qualification as Dermatologist –Cosmetologist in National Health Institute of Armenia after A. Avdalbekyan.
Her work experience she started in AL Ansari Medical Clinic in Kuwait, where she worked as aesthetician since 1998 then as General Manager, Doctor-Dermatologist since 2010.
Helios Clinic Provide a variety of best treatment services. they are one of the best dermetology clinic in Kuwait.
We provide, Injectable filler (injectable cosmetic filler, injectable facial filler) is a soft tissue filler injected into the skin to help fill in facial wrinkles, restoring a smoother appearance. Most of these wrinkle fillers are temporary because they are eventually absorbed by the body. Some people may need more than one injection to achieve the wrinkle-smoothing effect. The effect lasts minimum six months or longer. Successful results depend on health of the skin, skill of the health care provider, type of filler used. Fillers work to improve the appearance of aging skin in the following
Acne treatment Acne is the lesion of sebaceous glands. According to statistical data, 80% of people aged 12-25 and 30-40% of people above 25 suffer acne. Acne often causes isolation, irritability, difficulty in adaptation to social and intimate relations. Acne (blisters, pimples) usually occurs during puberty, when hormonal changes cause sebaceous hypersecretion. As a result, the sebaceous glands become clogged creating favorable conditions for bacteria breeding, causing acne to emerge. Self-treatment of acne is full of risks. Complications can arise leaving scars. Acne treatment requires coordinated approach.
Dr. Helen recentaly earned Ph.D in Medicine